Monday, August 13, 2012

Sweet dream!!

Okay so this post post probably won't be interesting to anyone, but I had the coolest dream last night.  I met this guy that I was totally crazy over, but I came to find out that that he had kissed someone else right before he met me.  Like as in the same day! So I was mad and went to my friends house.  When I was telling her about him and describing what he looked like, she told me he was part of this super hero group called the A team.  I know what you are thinking super hero? right erica, dream big! Well it was a dream. Her room is upstairs so we had a perfect view of the firework/party thingy that was going on.  The party was for the A team.  The whole group was there except Sam.  Sam was the guy that I liked.  They all kept looking up at me though the window and whispering to each other. I didn't get it.  After a few minutes of them starring at me, here comes Sam with a whole group of girls following him.   I got even more annoyed at him because he looked like he was enjoying these girls falling over him.  When he met up with his group they pointed up at me.  He looked up at me and flew up to the window to talk.  He could see that I was still mad at him and I could see the hurt in his eyes.  He told me that it's okay if I didn't want to talk to him but the rest of the group did.  I looked at my friend and she had a big grin on her face and told me to go.  
I stood up and turned around and Sam asked what I was doing. I told him that I had to go downstairs to get outside. And he laughed and flew though the window and picked me up and flew down to his group.  There were four in their group. Two girls and two guys including Sam.  The blonde girl who was beautiful didn't not seem friendly and even annoyed that I was there. The other girl had jet black hair and was starring at me like she knew something about me.  The guy was tall and pure muscle, he looked intimidating and looked like he could do some serious damage to someone who ticked him off.  And then there was Sam.  Tall, toned, shaggy blonde hair and crystal blue eyes.  He was simply beautiful.  The girl with jet black hair was the first to say something.  She introduced herself as Brooke and said that they have been waiting awhile for me.  I looked at her like she was crazy and laughed.  She described to me that the A Team was a group of five special people each representing something.  Wind, water, earth, fire, and the fifth was the connector that completes the group.  Brooke told me that I was the fifth link that was missing.  Jane the blonde finally spoke up.  She starting yelling and saying that Brooke didn't know what she was talking about and that they didn't need a fifth.  I was shaking with nervousness, Sam stood next to me and put his hand on my lower back and instantly I calmed down.  Sam turned to the group and told them that this was probably too much for me to take in and that they should slow down. I felt my back bone straighten up and took a step away from him and turned to Brooke.  She had this big smile on her face, and I asked her how does she know that I was the missing link.  She explained that each person in the group has a special power and a connection to something, and that she can read what the connection is and what the super power is.  She smiled and grabbed my hand and said your connection is to Sam and your power is to fuel the group and hold them together.  She grabbed Sam's hand and put it in mine and linked our fingers.  At that moment something in the sky light up.  It looked like a star but was too bright and big to be one.  The big muscle guy stepped forward and grabbed Jane's hand and said to her "has Brooke ever been wrong?"  She pushed away from will and flew away.  Will looked at me and said she would warm up.  Sam grabbed my face and said what do you say? 
(okay i know this seems stupid and far fetched but this is what really happened in my dream.  So please don't be mean about this)
There was more but I don't think anyone wants to hear it.

My camera broke so that's why there hasn't been and beauty reviews or pictures going on my blog. I'm sorry for that! I'm  hoping I get my camera fixed sometime today and if i do I will post a review on here later! 

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