Friday, August 3, 2012


Hey everyone! My name is Erica and this is my first blog entry.  I'm gonna try to post everyday.  I'll talk about anything from my daily life, to makeup and fashion.

I'll start by telling you about myself.  I'm 22 years young and from Michigan.  I am going to college for nursing and have two jobs.  I work in a hospital and am a waitress at a hole in the wall place by my house.  Everyone tells me that I march to my own beat.  I'm still trying to figure out if that is a good thing or not? : P  I am currently single..hopefully that will change because I am a hopeless romantic.  I think I manage to get through life by laughing.  I have the best group of girlfriends a girl could ask for.  Unfortunately I don't get to see them as much as I used to because of my job.

Me and my kitty : )

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